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Thoughts on the Christian life in a fallen world

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Big God - Britt Merrick

Subtitle - What happens when we trust Him. This book is the author's thoughts on Hebrews 11, The hall of faith, with a chapter each on Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses and Rahab. Also a chapter on Abraham with Issac is included. The first chapter describes how the author and his wife got through their 5 year old's cancer treatment. He asks, "When crisis hits, where do your heart and mind turn?" As Christians, we need to turn to God and His word. Britt encourages believers to memorize and study God's word.
The author's family is famous in the surfboard community and he has spent several years working in the family business before getting into the ministry full time, and offers a unique perspective to life.
I enjoyed how the author brought to life the Old Testament individuals and related their stories to his own personal life. We have heard about most of these people many times. but there is always something new to learn each time we study them. The Bible is still relevant today. and it is good to read a book that encourages study and trust in a God that is indeed a Big God. This book will be on my recommended books list for 2011.
I was provided a review copy of this book at no charge.

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