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Thoughts on the Christian life in a fallen world

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Open Bible - New King James Version

Read and Discover the Bible for yourself.  This Bible is for those that want background and timelines for the books in the Bible, and includes study guides, book introductions and outlines, and reference and translation notes.  It is made for serious study.  One of the most unique features is a 300 page Biblical Cyclopedic Index that not only gives references, but page numbers also of over 8,000 names, places, and phrases found in this edition, along with a traditional concordance.  Some of the other features are red letter edition, archaeological discoveries, and a guide to Christian workers.  At over 1400 pages total, it can be a bit overwhelming, but the format makes sense and can be helpful to any student of the Bible regardless of level.
One of the ways to determine the readability of a translation is to look at familiar verses, and how they are translated, such as Psalm 23, John 3:16, and the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20.  This translation removes the "thees" and "thous", but still maintains the original intent in the translation.
The section on how to use this Bible is helpful in understanding all the features, such as the underlined verses that outline the Christian's guide to the new life.  This is "a point-by-point study of basic Bible doctrines that covers the material of an advanced course in systematic theology." This tool in particular seems to be very useful in studying how the Bible is inter-related.  It is great to have so many reference materials in one volume, and explanations on how to use them.
I would recommend The Open Bible to any student of the Bible at any level who wants to learn more about God's Word from a historical perspective and dig deeper into the meanings and applications in life. I can see using it for reference and study for a long time to come.
The Open Bible is published by Thomas Nelson.  There is also a free download at www.nelsonfree.com/openbible.  I have received this Bible at no charge from Thomas Nelson.

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