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Thoughts on the Christian life in a fallen world

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Conviction to Lead - Albert Mohler

25 Principles for leadership that matters.  "Let me warn you right up front, my goal is to change the way you think about leadership." says the author in the first sentence.  Whether he does or not is up to the reader and how much the principles are applied to the situation. The main theme of this book is that the Christian leader is in a unique position to serve God and others.
 Begins with his background in politics, and his first days of the youngest president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. and the struggles he endured.  Mr. Mohler has appeared on the Today Show,  Good Morning America, and Larry King Live and has been been recommended by Franklin Graham,  Jim Daly , and John McArthur.
In 25 Chapters,  one for each of the principles that are required of to be an effective leader.  "The leadership that really matters is about conviction." This is not just another Christian Leadership book.  One of the most important chapters is #16 titled Leadership as Stewardship. In that chapter, he mentions the concept of servant leadership, a concept much lacking in today's society, and being stewards of human lives, time, and opportunity.
I would recommend this book to any person in any type of leadership position whether it be of a company, household, or just yourself.  Many leadership books ignore the concept of a Christian perspective. but this one puts it front and center and explains how it effects everything else.

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