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Thoughts on the Christian life in a fallen world

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Be the Dad She Needs You to Be - Dr. Kevin Leaman

The Indelible imprint a father leaves on his daughter's life.  Dr. Leaman is qualified to write this book in my opinion simply because he has successfully raised 4 daughters into adulthood. That alone should earn the man respect.  He uses his personal journey, good and bad, as examples of what to do and what not to do,
when raising daughters. A few chapters are his personal journey on raising his own daughters at various ages.  The birth order parts seem a little assumptive and leaning toward stereotypes, but I can see how some may find this helpful.
What I found most disturbing was the lack of scripture in the book.  This may be practical moral advice on how to raise daughters, being involved, setting the standard for interacting with other males, one-on-one time, without Biblical instruction and Christian growth, it is all for naught.
I have no doubt the author is intelligent and experienced in counseling and raising daughters, but I believe he should have at least included a few verses on raising children. At the end of every chapter is A good dad's reference guide, which is a short summary of the points covered in the chapter. Some of the material good dads may already be familiar with, but it is never bad to review.
The author has also written a book on birth order, The Birth Order Book.You leave an indelible imprint on your daughter's heart.  What will be yours?

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