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Thoughts on the Christian life in a fallen world

Friday, October 16, 2015

Five Traits of A Christ Follower - Doug Nuence

This book attempts to answer the question, "What distinguishes a follower of Jesus?" The editor is President of the Navigators in the US, and there are 30 contributors to this small book.  Each one has written a short, two page devotional based on a Bible passage.  Each devotional is divided into five sections or traits. Walking with Jesus, Knowing and Living the Scriptures, Participating in community, Engaging with those who don't know Christ, and Reproducing Spiritual Generations. Each chapter is short enough to be used for a daily devotional for one month, with at least two or three questions at the end to invoke a response.  The editor says in the introduction that "The true test of life in Christ is our character, the extent to which we are a reflection of the Spirit of God to a watching world."
The forward is written by Jerry Bridges, who is well known in the the Christian world for many of his books, and offers a brief history of Dawson Trotman, the founder of the Navigators.  There also is the background of all of the contributors, some of which are adapted from books they have written.  For example Gary Thomas's contribution is adapted from his book The Glorious Pursuit.
As with any book with multiple authors, it has different styles and ways of thinking, but one main theme, how to be a Follower of Jesus.  I would like to read more from some of these authors, as it seems they are limited in this format.  One other thing about the format, it is a very small book, with small type.  Those of us with limited vision may find it difficult to read.  I do suppose if they would have made the physical size of the pages larger, each devotion would be only one page, but that would have worked also.
All in all, a good devotional with lots of good content.
Published by NavPress. in alliance with Tyndale Publishers, Inc.
I have been provided with a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for this review.

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